BOTH diagram

conscious_democracy_both-01The survival of BOTH – both our social group and our individual uniqueness are part of the same evolutionary forces that led homo sapiens to this point. We must understand that inescapable inheritance in order to fashion systems and structures for our societies that will give us the best opportunity for sustainable success.

We have published this one page guide to the evolution of human nature and how it can guide us to develop our social safety services and our economy in ways that will be naturally aligned with our origins, and most likely to succeed.

BOTH diagram
BOTH diagram

Download the PDF from this link: The Survival of BOTH. Enjoy.

Get free iBook explaining the BOTH diagram in more detail – click here. DiscoverLIFEFront

Conscious Democracy paper

This is a very important time, a time that is going to require a big solutions to the big problems we face. It is imperative that we develop a clear understanding of the nature of our species, and the driving forces that affect our behaviour, if we are to develop the solutions that will actually solve the problems we face.
Should happiness, and the pursuit thereof, be the driving force behind societies? Should economics trump social egalitarianism? Is capitalism a social organising force? Is communism naturally aligned with the nature of humanity? Were malevolent dictatorships responsible for the 20th century’s genocides? Is benevolent dictatorship the answer to today’s problems? These are some the questions that we can and must address, because until we do: we will not move past the “how”, to the “what” of real action.
The human species is certainly capable of delivering the solutions that we need, but before we do so, we will have to have a much more commonly held and clearly understood picture of our real natures. This paper seeks to clarify the foundations of human behaviour, building on recent advances in evolutionary anthropology, and to leverage that understanding to inform the structure of a large-scale human social organisation.
The human species is an advanced and complex species, still operating within the framework of evolution. Adaptation, random mutation and the survival of the fittest, are as in effect today as they ever were. We are a product of those forces, and the constraints of Nature, and we remain subjects to both in the determination of our future. Our next adaptation must be to our own success, and to the pressures on our own survival that we have created for ourselves.
We are unarguably a group species, we are deeply committed to specialisation and heavily dependent on the transmission of knowledge. Only those human societies that recognise the depth of our pre-commitment to specialisation and learning will survive in a modern format, and the most successful societies will be those that consciously develop their structures to maximise the benefits and minimise the weaknesses. We have long since passed the point of no return: there will either be 9+ billion humans, or there will be less than 1 billion humans. What determines which of those outcomes becomes reality is the extent to which we adapt now to our own success, and get deliberately ahead of our requirements and our impact on the Nature that hosts us.

Conscious Democracy paper
Conscious Democracy paper

Download the PDF from this link: Conscious Democracy. Enjoy.